Current time: Tue Feb 11 09:18:38 2025
Deadline: Wed Jun 23 11:00:00 2004
1. Complete the program segment below so that the contents of intPtr and n before return agree with the diagram. intPtr n +---+ +---+ | *-|--->| 5 | +---+ +---+ int main ( ) { ____ intPtr; ____ n; intPtr = ____ ; n = ____ ; return 0; }
2. Write a void function named setTo5 that initializes the value of an int variable used in the calling program to 5. Here's a framework for a main program in which setTo5 is used: #include int main ( ) { int n = 27; setTo5 (/* an appropriate argument goes here */); printf ("n = %d\n", n); /* should print n = 5 */ return 0; }
What did you find difficult or confusing about the reading? If nothing was difficult or confusing, tell us what you found mostinteresting. Please be as specific as possible.