CS 61A
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS61A Summer 2005
MTWTh 11-12:30pm, 10 Evans

Kurt Meinz | Jeffrey Chiang | Sujay Karve | Oleg Mayba

Home | Schedule | Staff | Resources | Newsgroup | WebNews | WebGrades | Face2Face | Standards | Errata
Resources and Handouts
Reader An electronic version of the course reader.
SLC website The student learning center website. They hold drop-in tutoring for 61a.
courseinfo.pdf Everything that you need to know about 61a, administratively speaking.
unix-emacs-intro A quick summary of useful emacs and Unix commands by 61a TA Greg Krimer.
OOP Notes Notes for the 61a Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language.
oldexams/ Exams from previous offerings of 61a.
standards/ Grading standards and solutions for old assignments and exams.

The textbook for this course is The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman, second edition. It is available in the textbook sections of all the local bookstores. You must get the 1996 second edition! Don't buy a used copy of the first edition! If you do not feel like purchasing the textbook, copies of it are on reserve in the Engineering Library and the entire book is readable online at http://www-mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/fulltext/book/book.html

In addition to the textbook, there is a reader containing necessary materials (including most of the assignments). You can buy the reader at CopyCentral, 2483 Hearst Avenue (at Euclid). The summer's reader is unlike readers from previous semesters, so don't use your roomate's old copy. All of the most important material from the reader will also be available on the course website so you don't have to buy the reader if you don't want to. It has been our experience, however, that most people prefer to purchase the reader.

Please bear in mind that reader was current at the beginning of the semester but may not be current several weeks in. The staff will try to stick closely to the material in the reader, but we reserve the right to change due dates, assignments, lectures, schedules, etc. The website and lectures will always be your most up-to-date sources for information.


CS61A, htttp://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/su05, Webmaster: kurtm [at] cory.eecs.berkeley.edu