Midterm Reviews
(A program for assembling MIPS into machine language and verilog modules.)
Unix & Emacs: html
Hilfinger Memory Management notes: pdf
Reference card for GDB version 5:
pdf |
ps |
(This is the version installed on the lab machines)
Reference card for GDB version 4:
| ps
All Handouts
will be using the second edition of Patterson and Hennessy's Computer
Organization and Design book ("COD"). Try to find the third printing.
(Don't get "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by the
same authors; it is intended for a graduate course!).
We are also requiring
The C Programming Language, Second Edition by Kernighan
and Ritchie ("K&R"), and will make references its sections in the reading
assignments. Other books are also suitable if you are already comfortable
with them, but our pre-lecture quizzes will be based on K&R.
The subjects covered in this course include C and assembly language programming,
how higher level programs are translated into machine language, the general
structure of computers, interrupts, caches, address translation, CPU design,
and related
topics. The only prerequisite is that you have taken Computer Science
61B, or at least have solid experience with a C-based programming language.
An alumni-run alternative to the usual bookstores can be found at