8-12-2004 |
Office Hours
- Kurt will be around the lab tonight from like 8 to 10 or so.
8-12-2004 |
MT2 & MT3 Solutions
- The solutions for the midterms are up with exception of a few
8-9-2004 |
Proj3 and F2F schedule
- Grades for Proj3 for aa-dz are now viewable in glookup. See Michael for rubric.
- For those who have Michael as a reader, he has made an announcement of F2F for this last week. See his page for details.
8-7-2004 |
Project 4 Errata Page
- An Errata Page has been put up for project 4. Make sure to check it regularly, since it will contain all updates, corrections, clarifications, etc. to the project.
8-6-2004 |
Project 4 Help-Session
- Sunday at 6:00PM 306 Soda (aka HP Auditorium) Make sure to make it!
8-8-2004 |
Homework Deadline Extended
- To account for the help session, homework 7 deadline will be extended to 10 pm. Come to the help session!
8-4-2004 |
Miderm Review Session 3
8-4-2004 |
Navtej's Friday Lab Moved to Monday
- Navtej's Friday lab (section 103) will be moved to Monday because of the midterm.
Still 9-11am in 273 Soda
8-2-2004 |
Midterm Review & Face-To-Face Update
- The next Midterm is coming up this Friday. The Review session
will be held in 306 Soda from 6-8pm on August 4th (this Wednesday).
- Sorry it completely slipped Carolen's mind. The sign up sheet
is up. For both Chris and Michael.
7-31-2004 |
Proj 3 Update
- There has been another very important update to project 3.
7-29-2004 |
Midterm 3 & Final Makeup
- Email Carolen
if you need to reschedule for midterm 3 and as well for the final.
If you've emailed Carolen before...email her again. The final makeup
will occur before the real final.
7-29-2004 |
Quiz Grading
- Quizzes will be graded on a good-faith effort basis.
- Each quiz will be worth points (so there are no gimmies), but
we may slide the quiz grading scale such that if you miss 1 or 2, the
missed quizzes are worth very little, but quizzes become worth more
as you missed more. (I.e. marginal point value of quizzes goes down.)
7-29-2004 |
Reading for Thursday's Lecture
- Don't focus too much on the actual
implementations given in 5.6, 6.7, and A.7. We
are going to use a much simpler implementation.
You should, however, understand the big picture
and issues involved.
- Tomorrow's lecture will contain some material
that is not in the book. Be sure to look at the
lecture notes when I post them.
7-28-2004 |
HW5-1 News
- *Update* Scores for HW5 have been entered for people who has logins aa-dz. See Michael for the rubric.
7-26-2004 |
Project 3 and HW4 Updates
- There have been some updates to project 3. Most importantly, the Makefile has been updated, so get the new one. Also any issues you may have been having with iverilog may have been solved.
- Grades for HW4 are now entered for aa-dz. See Michael for details.
7-25-2004 |
HW5-1 Clarification
- To be able to test your cpu module in the homework, you will need to set initial values into registers. Add a mux before the 32-bit data input, so it would chose between the result of ALU, or the input from the driver, and another mux before the Rw input of the regfile, so you can input which register you want to set value for. This way you basically have a reset period, during which the write enable is asserted and you set the values in the registers. once values are set, you change the mux control and continue to receive values from ALU. For writing these two muxes, you may use dataflow syntax inside the regfile module if you wish.
- Your ALU does not need to detect overflow. Just compute the result, and for the equal and not equal instructions, set the zero bit.
7-22-2004 |
F2F Deadlines for Michael and Friday OH
- F2F deadlines for HW3 and Proj1 are extended until 11am on Monday, July 26, 2004 for people who have Michael as a reader.
- Michael will have F2F and OH starting at 10am in 271 Soda on the day of Midterm 2. He will hold F2F and OH until at least 6pm--He will remain in 271 Soda after 6pm for as long as there are people who still want F2F.
7-21-2004 |
Homework 5-1 and Proj2
- Your regfile can be behavioral and straight from lecture. The ALU and control units, however, have to be structural.
- Grades for Proj2 are now available for your viewing pleasure. For those who have logins aa-dz, the rubric Michael used can be found on his page.
7-21-2004 |
Navtej's Friday Lab & Project 3
- Friday's (7/23) lab for section 103 will be moved to
Monday (7/26) because of the midterm. It will still be from
9-11 in 271 Soda
- Project 3 is out. We advise that
you start now or as early as possible.
7-21-2004 |
Review Session for Midterm 2
- Review notes are up [pdf] [ps]. Happy studying! =)
- Solutions have been posted for the floating point section of the review session [pdf]. Please attempt them before looking at the answers. Also, please email Ben (cs61c-tb) if you find any errors. Thanks =).
7-20-2004 |
Midterm 2 Review
- Midterm 2 Review will be in 306 Soda from 6-8pm tomorrow
Wed July 21st.
- Those that cannot take the midterm on Friday July 23rd
from 12-3pm please contact
7-17-2004 |
Early Autograde for Proj2 and more Proj2 clarifications
- There is early autograde for Proj2 but you must do it yourself (i.e. can't do
submit proj2 ). Directions to do early autograde are available at Michael's page
- You only have to support %d, %u, %x, %c, and %s. The upper case equivalents are expected to return the same letter (i.e. %D --> D) in correctness testing.
7-15-2004 |
HW3-2 and F2F
- Chris's Face to Face sign up is up. He'll be having face to face
everyday an hour before and an hour after lecture every day except
Friday. If you have problems with this email
- *Update* HW3-2 grades have been regraded. An explanation can be found on Michael's Page along with some announcements.
- Michael also has set tenative deadlines to still have F2F for a particular assignment. These dates can be seen here.
7-16-2004 |
Midterm I Solutions
- The solutions for the first midterm are in the resources section
in the Solutions link.
- For regrades, staple a typed request with a very specific explanation of your complaint to
the front of your exam. Give the regrade request to your TA, who will then regrade your entire exam. All regrades are final and your score may go up or down.
7-14-2004 |
Project 2 Clarifications
- Assume that the caller of sprintf.s will always put all arguments on the stack (just as spf-main.s does).
- Contrary to the "Unsupported Format Specifiers" section, if you ever see % followed by an unsupported format type (anything other than d, u, x, c, s), simply output the character as is. For example: when you see %%, output the character that follows the first % sign ('%'). Another example: when you see %z, output the character 'z'. This should be relatively easy to implement.
- If you have any questions about these clarifications, ask your TA =).
7-13-2004 |
Verilog Tutorial
- The verilog tutorial has been posted in the calender or here. You will need it for tomorrow's prelecture quiz.
7-12-2004 |
Proj1 Grades and F2F
- Proj1 grades for aa-dz are now entered. See Michael for an explanation.
- Friday, July 16 is the last day to have F2F with Michael for HW1 and/or HW2. He will no longer accept HW1 and/or HW2 F2F requests after that date.
7-10-2004 |
Midterm I Scores
- The first midterm has been graded and entered into glookup. Kurt is extremely pleased with the scores.
- The average score was a 22/30 (73%).
7-9-2004 |
Using SPIM at home without SSH & postMidterm Announcement
- Currently, it seems that spim/xspim is down in the labs. As a result, for those who want to be able to work on Proj2 during this weekend, can find a copy of spim at this link.
- Please refrain from discussing the exam on the newsgroup. There are still
people that will be taking the exam at a later date. This also means that
the solutions will have to be postponed. If you want to know the answers
feel free to talk to your TA. Otherwise we are unable to divulge this
information. Thank you for your cooperation.
7-8-2004 |
Chris's Face-2-Face & Makeup Midterm Location
- Unfortunately due to catching the flu, Chris, our reader, will
not be having face to face today. Please hold on tight and he'll get to you
next week.
- The midterm this friday will be in 100 Lewis from 12-3pm. Go have some lunch before you come...
The makeup midterm will be located in 310 Soda from 5-8pm. Unless someone tells me otherwise.
7-7-2004 |
Midterm Review
- The review will be held tonight in 306 Soda from 6-8pm
- *Update* The review slides are located in the resources section.
7-6-2004 |
HW2 Grades, Project 2, MakeUp Exam
- *Update* HW2-1 and HW2-2 grades are now up for aa-dz. See Michael for any questions.
- *Reminder* Face to Face Grading is available for aa-dz as well as for ea-fz. Sign up sheet is in 271 Soda next to the whiteboard.
- Project 2 is out! Come and get it!
- Midterm Makeup will be held at a soon to be announced place
on Friday, July 9th from 5-8pm.
- *Update* Solutions for week 2 reading quizzes are up. They are
located in the resources section of the website as well as the solutions
for week 2 homework.
7-1-2004 |
Midterm 1 *groan*
- Midterm 1 is coming up -- Friday, July 9th, from 12 to 3pm in 100 Lewis.
- It will cover everything in weeks one and two.
- There will be a review session Wednesday night, room and time TBA.
- If you absolutely can't make the scheduled midterm time, email Carolen.
- I'll talk more about what will be covered next week in class.
7-1-2004 |
Survey and Statement on Cheating
- Please fill out this survey and hand it in
by Noon on Friday (in lecture or section). I'll bring copies on Tuesday.
- Be sure to read the section in the
syllabus about cheating.
6-30-2004 |
Face-2-Face Grading & HW1-2 Grades
- The signup sheets will be available by tonight. Since we have
put up the sheets a little bit late, you can sign up next week, but
remember sign up as early as you can, spaces are first come first
serve. Also next week will still be signups for hw2-* so PLEASE
sign up early for the hw1-*
- *Update* Signup sheet for aa-dz is up located on the left
side of the first white board in 271 Soda.
- *Update* HW1-2 grades for aa-dz are now up (with explanations of scoring at Michael's page). Any one who did not score at least a 90/100 should sign up for face to face grading.
- The comments field on glookup is not working. So if you want to
know what you've gotten incorrect please check the
SOLUTIONS or email your reader
(for those with entered grades from -tc email Chris (cs61c-rc)).
6-29-2004 |
HW1-1 Grades
- Grades have been entered for students whose logins fall under aa-dz. See Michael for an explanation.
- *Update* Grades for ea-fz are now available. See Chris for questions about your grade.
6-29-2004 |
Solutions are available in the solutions folder under the resources link.
6-24-2004 |
Homework Submission & Project 1
- The online submission is now up so get those submissions in! =D
- *Update* Problem 1 on HW1-1 should be put into a file called prob1.txt.
- Project 1 has been posted! It will be due at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, July 6.
- HWs 1-1 and 1-2 are due at 8:00pm tonight (Sunday).
6-27-2004 |
The Reading Quiz system has been updated!
- It will now send receipt confirmation emails to your class account. Be sure
to check the little box by the 'submit' button.
- Email problems with the quiz system to Kurt.
6-23-2004 |
Homework Week 1
- Homework 1-1 & 1-2 are both up
- The due date was a day off. Both homeworks are due on the 27th of June.
- Do not submit any homework yet due to the fact that the system has not been set up.
Keep an eye here and on the newsgroup for any updates.
6-22-2004 |
Lab MixUp & Online Quiz
- Sorry for the mixup for lab. I put the folder in the wrong place >_< whoops.
It's up now and hopefully all working.
- The link to Wednesday's reading quiz is up. You can submit multiple times
until the deadline. We will take the latest submission. It is located in
the assignment calendar.
- Just a note on homework, it'll soon be up (let's hope by Wednesday night?) The project specifications will be up soon too so that those who want to start early may do so!
6-21-2004 |
There will be no reading quiz for Tuesday's lecture
6-19-2004 |
Welcome to Summer CS61C!
- Lectures and Sections start Monday, June 21.
- Attendance at lectures, labs and discussions is mandatory for the first week.
- Copies of the Course Info handout
will be distributed in lecture on Monday. This handout includes textbook information.
- Account forms will be distributed in lab. You must log in to your account by Wednesday Noon
or you will be dropped from the course.